Constant Output 6

Khin Khin
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Process of creating Max the Sleepy Angel

For this week I decided to do some fan art for someone that I listen to. I decided to do this because I wanted to use a real person as reference for a change instead of going off of my imagination. Although I used a reference, I did change a few things to make it look more like a chibi. By the end of this semester I want to be able to draw my friends as chibi characters so this was my first attempt at it.

This was also the first time I’ve had a background for my composition, and I decided to go for a watercolor-like look. I’ve been trying to draw and color my characters in my own style and I’m still in the process but so far, I’ve decided to paint my backgrounds as if they were watercolor paintings because that’s the art that I’m most comfortable with. I’ve done many watercolor landscape paintings in the past so I wanted to incorporate that as part of my digital art style. I have also found my style in drawing and coloring eyes and noses. For the nose, I like doing just a dot unless it’s a side profile view of the character. The eyes are a whole process that I’ll discuss after I’ve found my style in drawing the rest of the body.

Drawing/painting process:

I started off this piece with painting the sky first, I really enjoy clouds but it was definitely different trying to create the watercolor effect digitally.

Next, I added the hills, small islands and the sea for the landscape.

Next, I worked on the face and body. I have yet to figure out my style for drawing hair but that’s what I’ll be focusing on for next week’s output.

Max the Sleepy Angel

